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Description of EMCRW-PAC Committees:

Americanism: Share interesting and valuable information about the history of our country, the constitution, veterans, wars, conservative values, and political insights and endeavors.

Bylaws: The Local Club Bylaws Chairman should be familiar with her club’s bylaws and the bylaws of the TFRW and NFRW. She should be briefed on the information as to what bylaws are, and why they are important, so that she is prepared to review her clubs bylaws and suggest any amendments needed. It is her responsibility to submit those bylaws to TFRW VP/Bylaws for approval anytime there is an amendment to those bylaws approved by the membership.

Caring for America: Find/coordinate ways for the club to assist those in need in the community to show that “Republican Women Care”.

Finance and Fundraising: Explore ideas and talents within the club to be active in the community and raise money.

Historian: Publish a newsletter monthly or quarterly and publish on the club website. Outline the upcoming months activities, as well as the things that were accomplished the past months.

Hospitality: Plan for and decorate appropriately for themed club meetings, forums, banquets, etc.. This may also entail purchasing food.

Legislative: Keeping current on significantly important legislation, promoting insight and awareness of political events pertaining to County affairs, and some national affairs.

Memberships: Help recruit, encourage, and mentor new members. Contact and encourage local elected officials, candidates, precinct chairman, and spouses to join the club. Stay informed of TFRW membership incentives and programs through the TFRW Today Newsletter.

Outreach: Block walking or door to door invites, and informing Republican residents of Montgomery county, Texas regarding voting, the Republican platform, registration, and other events that pertain to our club.

Parliamentarian: Work as an advisory capacity to the President.

Social Media: Posting monthly awareness/advertisement for our general meetings, and/or upcoming events on our Facebook page and other social media sites.

Website: Working on the website and keeping it up-to-date.

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East Montgomery County Republican Women

Political Advertisement Paid for by EMCRW-PAC, P.O. Box 292, New Caney, Texas 77357, Treasurer, Karen White

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